Exploring Cuba with Hjalte and Nina
The adventures Hjalte Tin and Nina Rasmussen have once again been out tasting the world. As the first Danes, they have driven all of Cuba around on motorcycles. A 4000 kilometers long, happy and life-affirming experience in a wonderful climate.
They tell in their new lecture about Cuba, filled with friendly and open minded people. Thanks to the revolution in 1959, unlike other Latin American countries, there are free schools and the best healthcare in Latin America. But the Cubans are also people who are frustrated by a slow system. Hjalte Tin and Nina Rasmussen felted that themself. They had already sent their motorcycle to Cuba, a Russian veteran motorcycle from 1958, but they had big problems to get it out of the container in Havana.
Only when a local motorcycle enthusiast entered the problem, they got the crucial stamp in the papers. Then they drove over mountains, along wonderful tropical beaches and through old colonial cities. Hjalte Tin and Nina Rasmussen are telling with insight and commitment about a life on a tropical island, which is still unknown to most people, but more and more Danes finds out that it is a wonderful destination.
A personal and entertaining, two hour show with both Nina and Hjalte or one of them. Colorful digital images, display of souvenirs and other things from Cuba. It will be possible to ask questions and get answers. Hjalte and Nina bring their own equipment, the organizer arranges canvas and darkening.